To act as a catalyst, the top sectors have developed the concept of learning communities in the Human Capital Agenda. These are places where people learn, research and innovate. The result is that innovations reach practice (and education) faster.
With the joint Human Capital Agenda for the top sectors and our own Human Capital Agenda for our sector, we took steps to draw attention to and promote working and life-long development in the sector. With results: we see a growing number of students choosing relevant courses at schools and universities. To maintain this positive trend, we continue with the implementation of the Human Capital Agenda.
We see that in general there is plenty of attention for the development and availability of technical staff: from practical to scientifically trained professionals. An increasing number of companies now develop their own training programmes, projects from the Nationaal Groeifonds (National Growth Fund) get an increasingly large HCA component, five technical sectors, together with VNO-NCW, SME-Netherlands and FME have launched the Aanvalsplan Techniek (Attack Plan for Technology) and act as a catalyst for all levels of education. The various parties work together and harmonise more than they have ever done before. We support these developments wholeheartedly and encourage these in our role as connector in our ecosystem.