The energy transition affects activities in our hightech systems and materials sector (HTSM sector) in various areas. As a sector, we will reduce our own energy consumption and make more use of sustainable energy. We will reuse energy and generate sustainable energy. This is only possible by adapting our current production processes and business models.
Stand of affairs
The energy transition is an important theme in mission-driven innovation policy. The Netherlands wants to be completely climate neutral by 2050. The goal for 2030 is to achieve a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to 1990. We will achieve this, among other things, by making the electricity system and the built environment more sustainable and through a climate-neutral and competitive industry, achieve emission-free mobility and climate-neutral agriculture.
Holland High Tech supports the energy transition by focusing on strategic innovation programs. With these programs we focus on solutions and applications to green processes that still work with fossil fuels, make them more energy efficient or achieve energy reduction there. We focus on the development of solutions and application of innovations that enable green and sustainable energy generation, storage and transport. We are developing a concrete action agenda for this. Based on that agenda, we work on innovations for, in and with the hightech manufacturing industry that contribute to the energy transition worldwide.
Action points
Establishing the agenda
In parts of the HTSM sector, the energy transition is already an important driver for innovation. Consider, for example, new applications in mobility. The energy transition is also a stimulus for development and innovation in programs of the National Growth Fund, including GroenkrachtNL, Aviation in Transition, NXTGEN Hightech and Material Independence & Circular Batteries. With our Transition Team we map out these and other activities aimed at the energy transition in the broad HTSM sector. This way we can properly identify the need for new developments. As a sector, we are tackling the challenges and opportunities that the energy transition offers us and encouraging developments in this theme.
With our action agenda, we focus on three opportunities of the energy transition for our sector: how do we innovate to green processes with fossil fuels, how do we innovate to enable green and sustainable energy generation, storage and transport and how do we seize the opportunities that the transition offers for new value chains.
Programming of activities
Using our action agenda and activities as a starting point, we give the energy transition the central place it deserves. Not only in the programming of Holland High Tech and the Top Sector High Tech Systems and Materials, but also in the roadmaps of our sector.
In addition to Dutch and European activities, we encourage developments and innovations that contribute to the energy transition. The Transition Team makes proposals for additional stimulating measures. We also pay extra attention to energy transition projects within our strategic programming.
Finally, as Holland High Tech, we continue to engage in discussions with national and regional governments to remove obstacles and to promote new initiatives and the application of innovations for the energy transition.
Advanced STRuctural Analysis and SIMulation for Molten Salt Reactors
Flexible sensor front-end circuits with ultra-low energy consumption
Secure Battery Passport Demonstrator
Advanced Cementitious Composite Materials for Extending the Lifetime of Railway Infrastructure
Optical design of in-port collection optics (materials & coatings)
Feasibility MATPROP @20K
We look to the future: to the urgent transitions, the innovations that contribute to them and our role in this as a hightech sector. We cannot do this alone, but we do this together with stakeholders from our ecosystem: leaders from the business community, from knowledge institutions and training courses and from the government. We will work together!
Innovation is essential for the Netherlands. We work on smart technologies to tackle major societal challenges: Dutch solutions for global issues. With technological innovation and unique knowledge, we as a country anticipate security of work and income in the future. Holland High Tech increases the impact of innovation. Discover more about the urgent transitions and our (key) technologies.