Technical talent is the key for the urgent transitions
The Netherlands faces major challenges. The hightech sector plays a crucial role in the urgent transitions required for this, and technicians are needed to devise, create and maintain these innovations. The shortage of technical talent is significant and is becoming increasingly acute. Our ambition is a future in which sufficient highly qualified professionals are lifelong learners, lead in technological innovation and contribute to the growth of the hightech and materials sector.
Human Capital ambition
Together with all other top sectors, we strive for sufficiently qualified employees who continue to learn, grow, manage and move along with technological innovations for a lifetime. Sufficient technical talent for our sector is an important precondition for continuing to contribute to the urgent transitions and the earning capacity of the Netherlands, now and in the future.
That is why we support activities where educational institutions and the business community jointly design training courses. We also support initiatives that make the sector more attractive to work in and that increase diversity in the workforce. Our focus is on the development of Learning Communities, Diversity (including Role Models in technology), MBO & HBO approach and Connecting and collaboration. Read more about our ambition and action lines in Human Capital in our VISION 2030.

Learning communities
A Learning community is a place where learning, working and innovation are central. The place where vocational and higher education, business and research institutions optimally collaborate and lifelong development is put into practice. Innovations develop more quickly through learning communities and find their way more quickly into the practice of business and education. We stimulate learning communities throughout our entire ecosystem.
Diversity in hightech
Diversity is an important success factor: we need diverse professionals in hightech. Working in our sector should be a logical consideration for everyone, regardless of origin or identity. In the Holland High Tech ecosystem, we and our partners emphasize the importance of diversity in the Dutch technology industry and its impact on innovation and success.

Connect and collaborate
We connect and work together in and with regions, companies, knowledge institutions and top sectors. We share knowledge, skills, best practices and learnings with them and coordinate development and collaboration. In this way, we support the image of our sector with our communication power and our network. We support the development of HCA components in National Growth Fund projects for hightech and manufacturing companies and disseminate the resulting knowledge and best practices to our supporters. We also support the development and implementation of the Human Capital Agenda of the top sectors.
MBO & HBO approach
We work together with courses in MBO and HBO to develop courses with sufficient room to keep up with the innovations in our top sector. The new MBO qualification structure in metal and metal electrical was implemented in August 2023. The revision creates more room for schools to make agreements with the regional business community about the content of training courses and makes it easier for technological innovations to be included in the curriculum. In the 'MBO partial certificates' working group we are working on a nationally recognized MBO partial certificate system that helps with lifelong development: improving lateral entry and training and retraining of employees.

Team Human Capital Agenda

Collaboration with partners
We have intensive contacts with FME, Metaalunie, NAG, Brainport Industries, RAI Automotive Industry NL, Automotive Center of Expertise, Smart Industry and all human capital coordinators of the joint top sectors. Want to know more or participate?