
Current dossier:
Broadly supported MedTech NL Programme

Staying healthy longer together, innovating together!

Medical technology offers tremendous opportunities for human health, healthcare and the economy. The future of health and care lies mainly outside the hospital environment and will be organised around the individual person.

People who stay healthy for longer experience fewer problems resulting from treatment and are better able to control their own lives. As a result, they are happier, more productive and can participate more and longer in society and the economy. MedTechNL envisions a future in which diseases are detected before symptoms arise, in which medical treatment starts early and effectively, in or close to the patient’s home rather than in a hospital.

As the driver behind a leading medical technology ecosystem, MedTechNL is committed to keeping people out of hospital and reducing healthcare costs. As a consortium, we want to contribute to a substantial change in healthcare. We are approaching the limits of our current healthcare system, and now run the risk that it will no longer be affordable and manageable in the future. Appropriate use of medical technology will allow us to turn the tide. Our activities focus on three key areas:

  • prevention and early diagnosis
  • treatment in hospital with minimal risk of harm and claims
  • monitoring and treating patients in their own living environment

These programme paths are based on the idea that the future of healthcare and care lies primarily outside the hospital. And that the individual person must be the central focus.

The Broadly Supported MedTechNL Programme will involve expenditure of 250 to 300 million euros in the period up to 2030. We will use this funding to realise the innovation infrastructure and launch the innovation programmes required to turn this vision of health and care into a reality, and make the Netherlands the leading MedTech ecosystem of Europe.

Several companies, University Medical Centres, hospitals, care centres, technical universities, universities of applied science, TNO, health funds and various policy-making organisations are working together within the Broadly Supported MedTechNL Programme. Holland High Tech is one of the four top sectors collaborating within MedTechNL.


Questions? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Holland High Tech. We will be delighted to help.

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Breed Gedragen Programma's

Holland High Tech coördineert de uitvoering van de Kennis- en Innovatie Agenda Sleuteltechnologieën met meerdere Breed Gedragen Programma's (BGP's). Deze BGP's hebben een wetenschappelijke basis in onze sleuteltechnologieën, met één of meerdere toepassingsdomeinen én commitment van partners binnen het Kennis en Innovatie Convenant. 

More about MedTechNL

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Holland High Tech zorgt dat het ecosysteem zich kan richten op belangrijke maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Met vijf grote thema’s brengen we de innovatiehelix tot leven. In dit dossier werken wij onder andere aan deze thema's: 



De technologieën die ontwikkeld worden in onze topsector hebben een groot aantal toepassingen en zijn overal in de samenleving terug te vinden. Dit dossier zijn de volgende relevante technologieën betrokken.

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