News PPS financing Valorisation & Market creation Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Agenda Security SME innovation Key enabling technologies Energy transition Circular economy Digitalisation & Smart Industry

Holland High Tech stimulates innovation. We do this by, among other things, awarding grants for research in the form of public-private partnership projects (PPP) by a consortium of one or more knowledge institutions, companies and other organisations. These PPP projects contribute to urgent transitions, develop innovations using one or more technologies from our technology roadmaps and contribute to one or more of the Knowledge and Innovation Agendas.

In 2024, 57 PPP projects have been awarded so far (as of the end of the third quarter). In these projects, more than 90 companies collaborate with research organizations for innovations in all technological roadmaps of Holland High Tech.

The detailed content of each project and the participating public-private consortia can be found on our projects page.


News PPS financing Valorisation & Market creation Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Agenda Security SME innovation Key enabling technologies Energy transition Circular economy Digitalisation & Smart Industry