This new call for 'Emerging Key Technologies' provides room for pioneering PPP research on emerging key technologies, focused on exploration and development of innovative ideas. These are technologies that show promise in the academic environment and have significant potential for application. For the program we are looking for pioneering projects that can take the next development step in a consortium of public and private parties.
Potentially impactful
An emerging key technology has the potential to be disruptive, but the technology is still so new that its disruptive nature has yet to be proven. This type of key technology is at a stage of broad potential application, where different sectors are showing interest in being hooked. An emerging key technology has the opportunity to grow into a highly impactful technology that can contribute to industrial and/or societal impact in the longer term.
Important dates
- Online information session: Tuesday 8 November 2022
- Deadline pre-proposals: 20 December 2022