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On March 9, 2022, a government delegation was in Paris for government consultations with the French government. Members of the cabinet entered into discussions with their French colleagues, with the aim of further strengthening cooperation between the Netherlands and France. In addition to the war in the Ukraine, discussions were held about an innovation pact between the two countries, which would include consideration of the aviation and automotive sectors and key enabling technologies, including composites and photonics, as already mentioned in our France plan. 

The 9 March discussions focused on deepening ties in areas such as innovation and technology, energy security and Europe's strategic autonomy, sustainable industry and the green transition and the resilience of our internal market.

Prime Minister Rutte was accompanied by ministers Sigrid Kaag (Finance), Wopke Hoekstra (Foreign Affairs), Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius (Justice and Security), Kajsa Ollongren (Defence) and Rob Jetten (Energy and Climate).

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Rutte delivered a speech at Sciences Po and discussed with students his vision for a stronger and more resilient Europe, the situation in Ukraine and its implications for transatlantic cooperation.

Space High Tech Materials Photonics Automotive Aeronautics International SME innovation News Mobility Sustainability Climate