Calls News PPS financing Human Capital

A later expansion of the innovative capacity is necessary to stimulate economic growth. It supports learning by and for innovation and collaboration between public and private parties within learning communities offers opportunities. The call 'Human Capital Learning communities: essential for the well-being of social and technological transitions (KIC)' focuses on how learning communities can accelerate innovation. For this call for proposals, a minimum of €600,000 and a maximum of €750,000 can be requested from NWO funding.

More information

Purpose of the call

This call focuses on the question of how learning communities contribute to innovation and how that process can be optimized. The term 'learning community' refers to public-private learning-work practices intended to drive innovation. Knowledge and educational institutions, the business community, government and other public-private partners work closely together in this. Research, working, innovating and learning are thus connected.


For an application in this call for proposals, a total of at least €600,000 and a maximum of €750,000 can be requested in NWO funding. The maximum lead time of the proposed project is 6 years.

For this call, the participation of universities of applied sciences is considered to be of such importance that for each application it is mandatory that practice-oriented research (by universities of applied sciences) forms at least 10% of the subsidy part of the budget.

Important data

  • May 16 2023: deadline for submitting full applications


The applications submitted within this Call for proposals will be substantively assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Problem definition and analysis, contribution to solution
  2. Expected impact and route to impact
  3. Quality consortium
  4. Quality research

Criteria 1 and 2 each count for 20% in the overall assessment, criteria 3 and 4 for 30%.

To the call for proposals

Calls News PPS financing Human Capital