Calls News Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Semiconductor Equipment Nanotechnology Lighting Sustainability

Optical coherence; optimal delivery and positioning (OPTIC)

The newest generation of optical sensors and light sources must be able to conduct many colours of light from source to destination. The OPTIC programme develops innovative optical components, such as lenses and mirrors of arbitrary shape, as well as new methods for modifying the shape of light waves.

Go to the NWO website

This technology allows the researchers and collaborating companies to increase the energy efficiency of semiconductor chips (by improving their fabrication accuracy), to increase the light yield of white LED lamps, and to develop highly sensitive satellite sensors that, for example, can help agricultural companies and other companies to determine nitrogen emissions with higher precision.

NWO Perspectief

Perspectief is a programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO), financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK). This year’s budget amounts to 27 million euros, of which 23 million has been contributed by EZK and 4 million by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. A total of 115 companies, government bodies, and societal organisations are involved, contributing an additional 12 million euros. Over the upcoming years, the total budget supports the research of 106 scientists.

Programme leader

Prof. dr. Willem Vos (Universitity of Twente)

Participating knowledge institutes

ARCNL, TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, Universitity of Twente, VU Amsterdam


Addoptics, Anteryon, ASML, Demcon, JMO, Lumileds, Signify, TNO

Calls News Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Semiconductor Equipment Nanotechnology Lighting Sustainability