Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Key enabling technologies Energy transition News PPS financing National Technology Strategy Healthcare Technology Photonics Calls

The new HTSM call 2024, in collaboration with NWO, is aimed at stimulating fundamental and application-oriented research. This year, the call revolves around two key enabling technologies from the National Technology Strategy: energy materials and imaging technologies. The available budget consists of 7.5 million euros with a lead time of 6 years for projects. The deadline for submitting applications is 10 October 2024. Will your organisation participate?

The applications must make an explicit contribution to one of the following themes:

  • Energy materials: the focus is on the (further) development of techniques for small-scale heat storage, including in thermochemical materials, phase change materials and via redox heat storage.
  • Imaging technologies: the beginning of the imaging chain is central: from sensor/detector to image, in other words: from image acquisition to image reconstruction. The call aims at (further) development of technology(ies) with applications within this chain.

To the call

Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Key enabling technologies Energy transition News PPS financing National Technology Strategy Healthcare Technology Photonics Calls