The KIC call Long-term programmes 2024 is open for applications. Through a Long-term programme (LTP), NWO offers ten years of funding for strategic research by public-private consortia. Such a programme provides a powerful stimulus for the development of a scientific field in the Netherlands. For this call, a minimum of €9,000,000 and a maximum of €25,000,000 can be requested with mandatory co-financing. Projects have a duration of 10 years. The information meeting is 17 February 2025 and the deadline for submitting initiatives is Tuesday 15 April 2025.
Budget timeline
A minimum of €9,000,000 and a maximum of €25,000,000 in NWO funding can be requested for an application in this call for proposals. With this, NWO finances a maximum of 30% of the total budget. The rest of the programme budget is contributed via the mandatory co-financing. Awarded projects have a term of 10 years.
Information meeting
On 17 February 2025, NWO will organise an online information meeting about this call.
Deadlines and initiatives
To be able to submit an application, the applicant must first have submitted an initiative. This can be done by filling in the form on the initiatives page, which will be available in January 2025. The initiatives will be published on the NWO website after the deadline.
The deadline for submitting initiatives is Tuesday 15 April 2025, before 14:00
The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday 14 October 2025, before 14:00