Automotive SME innovation Circular economy News PPS financing Valorisation & Market creation Advanced Instrumentation Calls Electronics

The Netherlands wants to emit 55% less CO2 in 2030 than in 1990. In 2050, the goal is therefore: a circular economy. Are you an entrepreneur and do you want to reuse, repair or recycle products or materials with high quality? Or are you already doing this and do you want to expand these activities in order to emit less CO2? Then apply for the Circular Implementation and Scaling (CIO) subsidy from RVO. The online application form can be accessed from mid-January, submission is possible from 30 January onwards.

For whom?

This subsidy is for entrepreneurs who want to prepare their company to:

  • reuse products
  • repair and reuse product components - also refurbish and remanufacture
  • process and reuse materials through high-quality recycling
  • develop support services and logistics that contribute to reuse, repair or recycling - and therefore to lower CO2 emissions

Subsidy amount and application period

Start date: Thursday 30 January 2025
End date: Tuesday 8 April 2025

  • As an SME 50% you will receive a subsidy on the costs incurred, as a large company 15%
  • The subsidy is at least €50,000 per application and at least €25,000 per company, and a maximum of €500,000
  • Total budget: €9,577,000


The project falls under one of these product groups of the Transition Agenda for Consumer Goods:

  • electronic and electrical appliances
  • textiles
  • diapers and incontinence materials
  • reusable cups and meal packaging
  • furniture

What do you receive a subsidy for?

You apply for a subsidy to use a new technology or process for the company. This technology or process contributes to a circular economy in the Netherlands. Please note: this scheme differs from other schemes for circular entrepreneurs. The others concern research & development (R&D), chain collaboration and pilot or demonstration projects. CIO only concerns the application of new processes and techniques within the company.

  • The project lasts a maximum of 3 years from the date the project starts.
  • The project is an activity that has to do with application (implementation) or scaling up. It is clear in advance what will happen in the project and how.
  • There are few uncertainties, because it concerns proven or obvious organizational, production or delivery methods. The activities do not concern research and development (R&D) and pilot or demonstration projects.
  • The techniques and processes in the project are new to the company. It is an organizational innovation or process innovation.
  • The techniques and processes in the project save raw materials and CO2 emissions compared to current practice. It concerns current practice in the Dutch market for each phase of the product life cycle.
  • The choice to carry out the activities comes from the motivation to deal with raw materials in a more socially and environmentally conscious way.

To the scheme

Automotive SME innovation Circular economy News PPS financing Valorisation & Market creation Advanced Instrumentation Calls Electronics