SME innovation Security Technology Key enabling technologies Nanotechnology News PPS financing

The world of innovation and high-tech is in full swing and the Netherlands is facing major challenges and opportunities. As Holland High Tech, top sector High Tech Systems & Materials, we look to the future: to the transitions, the innovations that contribute to this and the opportunities for our sector. Our Vision & Ambition Sessions literally stand for 'stimulating innovation'. Together with the leaders in high-tech and innovation, we tackle the major social challenges. We do this per region. In this way, we increase the impact of innovation together.

These sessions are by invitation only

We currently have three sessions on the agenda; in the East, West and South of the Netherlands (NB the North is planned). During the Vision & Ambition Sessions, we ask the leaders in high-tech and innovation for their personal input and vision that are needed for the future of the Netherlands in order to further strengthen the powerful ecosystem in the specific (regional) areas.

Exploring opportunities and challenges together in the semiconductor industry and chip design

With the Vision & Ambition Session | OOST, we will kick off the series of sessions together with our partner OOST NL on October 10 in Nijmegen. The strong ecosystem in the field of semiconductor technology and chip design continues to work on strengthening the value chain and control points. This offers opportunities for this region to look beyond the horizon and further explore the crossovers of this strong ecosystem with emerging key technologies such as quantum, optical systems and integrated photonics.

With the presence of both the ChipTech Twente cluster and the new ChipTech cluster from Gelderland, we can jointly investigate how we can take a strong position in the (inter)national playing field. Together we use that position and the ambition of East Netherlands to strengthen the knowledge axis Twente-Nijmegen-Eindhoven in order to further strengthen the Dutch economic and social earning capacity.

Jointly identifying opportunities and challenges in civil and defense technology

We are organizing the Vision & Ambition Session | WEST together with our partners HiDelta and InnovationQuarter on October 17 in The Hague. The current geopolitical climate demands a strong defence industry where innovation, production and supply security are of great importance. This offers companies in the security domain and of course also companies in other innovative technology domains challenges in civil and defence technology.

Speakers from the defence industry, among others, underlined the urgency at Defence to utilise the innovation and production power of the industry in the renewed (European) strategy. In this way, we invest together in the opportunities for the high-tech sector to make the Netherlands a safer country and Europe a safer continent!

Jointly exploring opportunities and challenges in digitalisation and AI

During the Vision & Ambition Session | ZUID on 28 October in Veldhoven, together with our partners BOM and Brainport Industries, we will delve deeper into smart technologies to enable urgent transitions. The Netherlands benefits from a strong ecosystem of leading companies and knowledge institutions in the field of advanced manufacturing, for high complex equipment manufacturing. While we continue to work together to strengthen the value chain and control points, it is also time to explore how we can make these high complex equipment manufacturing processes smarter, more optimal and better, plus how digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) can contribute to this.

In short: we look at where we are and what is coming, in the development in and opportunities for the region in the field of the use of AI for low volume advanced equipment manufacturing process design.

By invitation

These sessions are by invitation only. If you are interested in participating in one of the Vision & Ambition Sessions, please send an email to:

SME innovation Security Technology Key enabling technologies Nanotechnology News PPS financing