The high tech systems industry is facing tremendous development challenges due to the complexity and sheer size of the systems in scope. Longer project development duration is unacceptable because of the tight competition and hence critical for a successful business. On the other hand the products must adhere to strict requirements on safety and timing.

This is mentioned as a key concern in HTSM Systems Engineering Roadmap and in TKI HTSM Strategic plan 23SP001. In addition, there is a drive for high levels of customization of each system delivered; products must be adaptable to individualized customer needs, provide flawless integration and cooperation with other products and end-customer processes and applications. Typically such customization leads to diversity in the HW and SW components that constitute the product. As a consequence the supervisory control of these systems will also require customization.

The Poka Yoke project researches a Synthesis Based Engineering (SBE) workflow for application in supervisory control software development. In SBE, an engineer specifies the behavior of the controller to be developed as a combination of a set of constraints based on the HW components used, and a set of overall system requirements. Subsequently, a solution that fits all constraints and requirements is generated automatically. This will significantly speed up the development of such controllers hence also enabling the required customizations in product offerings.