Value for the Dutch high tech industry
Smart Industry focuses on digitalisation of the production value chain. It also encompasses mechatronics and manufacturing technology, linked to ICT, fast and accurate sensing, and the integration of micro and nanotechnology and smart materials. This field is characterised by collaborations with the SME sector in field labs for smart industry high tech.
What we do as Holland High Tech
Holland High Tech supports the sector by funding research and innovation and by finding the right partners in the business community, and within government and education. We contribute to the international perspective.
Smart Industry Road Map
In Holland High Tech’s 2020-2030 Road Map you can read how the sector will develop in the next ten years. This road map is a stakeholder vision of the R&D needs of the Dutch sector associated with this technology in the period up to 2030. This road map is intended as a guideline that sets out a further development path for the industry and its stakeholders, and defines a supportive strategy for government, to ensure optimal continued development in partnership with education and to contribute to solutions in this decade.
Smart Industry
Road Map
Research agenda for HTSM, ICT and the route for NWA funding
28 August 2020
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Assessment on hydrogen-based green steelmaking for future Dutch Steel industry

Bridging High-Fidelity MODels and Automated VALidation Methods

Adhesive bonding of magnet-to-metal interfaces

Recycled rubber materials as novel ingredient for product design

Understanding the effect of boron on the formation of bainite and martensite and resulting mechanical properties

Dynamic Wetting in Hot Dip Galvanizing
Smart Industry road map team

NXTGEN Innovation Days
09:00 - 17:30Meeting 'Help I've been hacked'. Cyber resilience SME manufacturing industry
Webinar: Launch of Canadian Battery Ecosystem Market Study
Information meeting KIC call Long-term programmes 2024
ZIE 2025: South Holland Industry Event
For the Netherlands, innovation is essential. We are working on smart technologies to address major societal challenges: Dutch solutions to global issues. Through technological innovation and with our unique knowledge, we as a country are acting to ensure security of work and income in the future. Holland High Tech increases the impact of innovation. Find out more about our themes and our (key) technologies.

What is going on in the ecosystem? Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in our top sector and discover the latest high tech applications and ongoing research.