News Human Capital

There is a new overview of the practice-oriented research taking place at universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. This first edition of the monitor is the starting point for mapping the realization and results of investments in practice-oriented research at universities of applied sciences. The Rathenau Institute works together with the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences on monitoring and data on practice-oriented research.

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Growth in focus

In 2022, it was agreed that the Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) will invest an additional 100 million euros annually in practice-oriented research. In the Practice-oriented Research Monitor 2022, the Rathenau Institute maps the developments of practice-oriented research and the use of resources.

In 2022, universities of applied sciences will spend a total of 349 million euros on practice-oriented research. Total expenditure on practice-oriented research grew by 15% compared to 2021. Funds awarded in competition for practice-oriented research grew by 19% between 2021 and 2022; expenditure from the government grant grew by 14%. The size of the research groups at universities of applied sciences – the professorships – is also increasing. Between 2009 and 2022, 237 lecturers were added and in 2022 the universities of applied sciences will have a combined total of 723 lecturers. The total staff of the professorship increased between 2020 and 2022 with an increase of 6.6% in the total number of FTEs. In addition to lecturers, this includes teacher-researchers, PhD students and support staff.

In addition to figures, the monitor also shows examples of how practice-oriented research at universities of applied sciences contributes to education and the labor market, and how the research has an impact on the region in which universities of applied sciences are located.

News Human Capital