
Battery Integration

Battery energy storage plays a crucial role in the energy transition. It is a critical technology for integrating renewable energy, stabilizing the grid, managing peak loads, supporting electrification of transportation and other energy-intensive sectors, and promoting the development of distributed energy systems.

Programme duration: 4 years | 2024 - 2027

Battery energy storage plays a vital role in achieving a cleaner, more sustainable, and resilient future energy system. Multidisciplinary research into all stages of the battery life-cycle – from raw materials to recycling – will reveal an integrated approach to create next-generation battery systems.

Strategic program Battery integration addresses four crucial aspects:

  1. Innovative battery designs
  2. Intelligent application and systems
  3. Life cycle analysis, second life and recycling
  4. Battery materials and design


Programme lead

Programme consortium

TU Delft | TU Eindhoven | University of Twente | TNO

Technology Road Maps

Systems Engineering

Knowledge and Innovation Agendas (KIAs)

KIA Key Enabling Technologies
KIA Klimaat en Energie

Programmes and projects

Holland High Tech supports programmes and projects in the top sector High Tech Systems and Materials. Carried out in close collaboration between public and private partners within the mission-driven and innovation policy. Here is an overview funded R&D programmes and projects by Holland High Tech.

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