In the presence of Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate
Micky Adriaansens, CS4NL, formerly the broad-based cybersecurity programme, has been
officially launched. Leaders of all ten top sectors and key organisations in the Dutch
cybersecurity field signed a covenant that ratifies far-reaching cooperation in cybersecurity
knowledge development, innovations, and grants.
The top sectors make grants available to generate cross-sector cybersecurity knowledge and
innovation. The various sectors struggle with similar challenges and transitions, so working
together generates more results. The parties involved, including ACCSS, PRIO, the
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), TNO, Cyberveilig Nederland and the
Regional Development Companies (ROMs) organise efficient chains of cooperation and
encourage new consortia to apply for these grants. This creates an ecosystem in which
resources (financial and human capital) are used efficiently. CS4NL is closely involved in formulating an NWO Mission Call on cybersecurity. In addition,
the TKI call on supply chain security is in the preparation phase. Publication of the TKI call is
expected to take place in early April via the websites of the relevant top sectors.
Demand-driven innovation needs
CS4NL supports effective cybersecurity innovation and knowledge development and
distribution within the Dutch cybersecurity ecosystem. The programme addresses demanddriven innovation needs from the market and at different readiness levels. The programme
and calls are demand-driven, as the top sectors have submitted innovation needs with their
constituencies through use cases. So there is no technology push in which technological
developments are leading, but actual needs determine the programme. The seven themes
defined are: Security by Design, Secure data-driven working, Secure connectivity, OT/IT
Security, Cyber risk management, System or chain security and Awareness, knowledge, and
Besides the above parties, the basis of CS4NL is formed in cooperation with ministries, such
as Defence, Justice & Security and Economic Affairs and Climate, and represented in the
Security KIA (Knowledge and Innovation Agenda) and the Key Technologies KIA. New parties
are welcome to participate. CS4NL is an initiative of Topsector ICT and dcypher.