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Last week, the first copies of the 2024 hydrogen guide were presented to Minister Liesje Schreinemacher, FME member company Sorama and EMP-NL participant Dumaco. This happened during the World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam, at the NL Pavilion of RVO.

International Hydrogen Guide 2024

The hydrogen guide is entitled 'Excelling in Hydrogen - Dutch Solutions for a climate-neutral world'. The English-language guide was presented by Eveliene Langedijk and Edu Willemse (RVO). This guide represents hydrogen developments in the Netherlands, emphasizes the importance of international cooperation and partnerships and also lists more than 230 Dutch companies and organizations that are active in the hydrogen economy.

Hydrogen, an important building block in the energy transition

Eveliene Langedijk, MT member Market Development and Innovation at FME: "The Netherlands can play a crucial role in the production, infrastructure and use of renewable hydrogen. The number of companies operating on hydrogen in the Netherlands continues to grow and this underlines that Dutch technology companies are ready to further expand our leading role and develop new earning potential for the Netherlands."

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The hydrogen guide is a collaboration of FME, RVO en TKI New Gas (Topsector Energy)

International SME innovation Key enabling technologies Circular economy News PPS financing Agenda Key Enabling Technologies