

The latest news from Holland High Tech and our partners. Click on a filter to see a selection of the news by technology, theme, type of news and how we help.

Experts warn: 'EU excavates too few rare substances'
1 September 2023

Experts warn: 'EU excavates too few rare substances'

News | International | High Tech Materials | Sustainability | Climate
Minister Adriaansens receives knowledge agenda on critical raw materials
30 August 2023

Minister Adriaansens receives knowledge agenda on critical raw materials

News | Vision 2030 | Sustainability | Climate
Future Network Services develops 6G with National Growth Fund funding
29 August 2023

Future Network Services develops 6G with National Growth Fund funding

News | National Growth Fund | Agenda Key Enabling Technologies | Agenda Security | International
VACATURE: Holland High Tech zoekt programmamanager Publiek-Private Samenwerking met een hart voor innovatie
28 August 2023

VACATURE: Holland High Tech zoekt programmamanager Publiek-Private Samenwerking met een hart voor innovatie

Digital Twin technology for new markets
25 August 2023

Digital Twin technology for new markets

News | SME innovation | Mobility | Security
Recommendations for election manifestos
23 August 2023

Recommendations for election manifestos

News | Agenda Key Enabling Technologies | Human Capital | Sustainability | Climate
Economic mission green hydrogen to Germany
21 August 2023

Economic mission green hydrogen to Germany

News | International | Climate | Sustainability | SME innovation
No energy transition without a raw material transition
15 August 2023

No energy transition without a raw material transition

News | Climate | Sustainability | Electronics | Vision 2030
SolarNL: Circular integrated high-efficiency solar panels
9 August 2023

SolarNL: Circular integrated high-efficiency solar panels

News | National Growth Fund | Agenda Key Enabling Technologies | Sustainability | Climate
High-tech and manufacturing industry innovation engine for the Netherlands
1 August 2023

High-tech and manufacturing industry innovation engine for the Netherlands

News | Agenda Key Enabling Technologies | Valorisation & Market creation | Vision 2030 | SME innovation
1 August 2023


Call launched: Research on the growing importance of human-machine teaming in (semi)autonomous systems
21 March 2023

Call launched: Research on the growing importance of human-machine teaming in (semi)autonomous systems

Calls | News | Security Technology | Agenda Security | Security
How can mathematics solve your challenge in high tech? Sign up for the Study Group!
25 November 2022

How can mathematics solve your challenge in high tech? Sign up for the Study Group!
