MaterialenNL Conference 2024


10 december 2024
Gezamenlijk evenement Nationaal Sportcentrum Papendal (NL)

MaterialenNL Conference 2024

The MaterialenNL Platform is joining forces to unite the entire materials community at the second edition of the MaterialenNL Conference. 2 plenary lectures, 4 themes, 36 parallel presentations, demo’s and plenty of opportunity to network and to make plans for collaboration.

The energy and materials transition towards a CO2-neutral and economically healthy society requires a high level of materials awareness in all sectors and layers of society. In this process, the scientific and industrial materials community heavily relies on policy, economic and societal factors: companies need support from the government; scientific knowledge development and transfer is critical. The MaterialenNL Conference brings all aspects together and offers a broad package of activities.

The conference will be centered around the theme Materials for a Future Society.

The parallel sessions will be organized around four subthemes. For this edition all lectures during the parallel sessions will be given by invited speakers. The aim is to have a combination of lectures from representatives from universities (of applied science), research institutes and companies in each track.

Locatie: Nationaal Sportcentrum Papendal


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