Networking and knowledge sharing between SMEs
We support our industry partners in the organization of Network Activities aimed at promoting networking and knowledge sharing between SMEs through the MIT scheme. Do you have a good idea? Let us know.
Stay in touch with innovation
As an SME, do you want to stay informed of the latest innovations? Then visit our yearl Holland High Tech EVENT or one of the many Network Activities that are organized annually by one of our industry partners.
Your topic on the agenda?
Is there a specific topic that you, as an SME, would like to have discussed or highlighted during a Networking Activity? Please contact your trade association, roadmap leader or Ronald van Es, Program Manager & Innovation Stimulation SME.
Would you like to organize a Networking Activity yourself or do you have a question? Email our expert:
Danielle Kroonenburg (mail)
Programme manager
Information for organizations
- Do you want to organize a Networking Activity? Please contact Ronald van Es
- Please note: only Network Activities that fit into one of the technologies of our roadmaps can be submitted