NOW has opened the call ‘Cybersecurity for digital resilience. With this PPS call, NOW aims to give a substantial boost to cybersecurity  knowledge and innovation, focusing on solutions to digital security problems. New knowledge and innovation are needed to shape societal transitions in a secure digital way. A maximum of 3.4 million research funding can be applied for per project. Interested parties are welcome to attend the online information session on 25 October.

More information

Purpose of the call

The aim of this programme is to make a significant contribution to knowledge and innovation in the field of cybersecurity. This contribution is needed to strengthen the digital resilience of the Netherlands.


The subsidy ceiling for this call for proposals amounts to a total of 15 million euros. A maximum subsidy of 3.4 million euros can be allocated per awarded project. At project level, a private contribution of at least 15% is requested.


  • Problem definition and analysis (25%)
  • Expected impact and route to impact (25%)
  • quality of the consortium (30%)
  • quality of research(20%)

Important dates

  • October 25, 2023: information meeting (online)
  • December 7, 2023: matchmaking session (in Utrecht)
  • January 11, 2024: deadline for letter of intent (research description)
  • April 16, 2024: propose deadline
  • December 2024: subsidy decision

To call for proposals