News International Sustainability Climate

At the invitation of Prime Minister Wüst of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, His Majesty the King, together with State Secretary Vijlbrief for Economic Affairs and Climate, will visit various hydrogen-related companies and institutes in North Rhine-Westphalia on Tuesday, November 14.

More about the economic mission

The Netherlands is seen as a leader in the green hydrogen transition and has the ambition to play an important role as an importer, producer and exporter of hydrogen. Hydrogen plays a crucial role in the energy transition, for example in industry and the transport sector. This requires large volumes of green hydrogen in both the Netherlands and Germany.
The state of North Rhine-Westphalia wants to develop a climate-neutral industrial region using hydrogen. This offers strategic opportunities for the Netherlands as an import hub and transit country to Germany. During the working visit, the focus is on realizing cross-border transport and storage infrastructure, ensuring security of supply and strengthening joint knowledge.

Economic mission

Parallel to the King's working visit, an economic mission on hydrogen will take place on November 14 and 15 with the participation of about forty Dutch companies led by State Secretary Vijlbrief of Economic Affairs and Climate and Theo Henrar, chairman of FME.

Chemiepark Marl

King Willem-Alexander starts his visit with a conversation with Prime Minister Wüst. They will then visit Chemiepark Marl together. There they will receive an explanation about the history of the park and they will discuss the import and transport of hydrogen and the application of hydrogen for industry. They will then receive an explanation of the Rheticus project, an installation that produces new chemicals in an innovative way using hydrogen and carbon dioxide, among other things. Finally, the King speaks to students and trainers about the importance of good vocational training that prepares young employees for a career in the sustainable production of chemicals.

Zentrum für Brennstoffzellen-Technik (ZBT)

In the afternoon, the King and the Prime Minister will go to a fuel cell research institute in Duisburg, the Zentrum für Brennstoffzellen-Technik (ZBT), which works closely with Dutch partner NedStack. They speak with experts about developing technology and the importance of a strong manufacturing industry for these technologies in Europe.
Meetings will also take place with participants in the economic mission. King Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister Wüst will then visit the Test Lab where they will receive an explanation of the development of fuel cells. They will speak with experts from the ZBT about, among other things, test installations for filling hydrogen tanks and the analysis of hydrogen. Attention is also paid to hydrogen filling stations and refueling a hydrogen car. The King and Prime Minister will then drive to the port of Duisburg in this hydrogen car.

Port of Duisburg

De haven van Duisburg maakt zich op om overslagplaats voor schone energievormen te worden. Waterstof is daarbij cruciaal. Tijdens het programma in Duisburg stelt de Koning het Nederlandse hybride waterstofschip de MS Antonie officieel in gebruik. Om de export van Nederland naar Noordrijn-Westfalen te realiseren is het nodig om de relevante infrastructuur uit te breiden. Met dat doel worden tijdens een rondvaart in de haven van Duisburg (‘Duisport’) verschillende samenwerkingsovereenkomsten ondertekend over de aansluiting van nationale waterstofpijpleidingnetwerken en de Delta Rijn Corridor. Doel is dat in 2026 een tiental binnenvaartschepen met minimaal vier waterstofvulstations tussen Rotterdam, Duisburg en Keulen vaart.

Connecting and matchmaking event

In the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, a historic-industrial blast furnace complex from 1902, the King and the Prime Minister will attend the “H2 connecting event: building inter-European hydrogen corridors”. At this event, approximately thirty private German and Dutch players from the hydrogen chain will meet with the aim of accelerating the construction of an inter-European corridor. An SME Matchmaking event will then be held in the Kraftzentrale with a hundred companies from both countries. De Koning speaks with a number of involved entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions.

News International Sustainability Climate