Sustainability Climate News Circular economy Energy transition Key enabling technologies

On Monday, May 13th, the Battery Lab at TNO-Holst Centre in Eindhoven was officially opened. Here, experts research, develop and test next-generation battery technologies together with companies. The aim is to prepare the technologies with and for companies for the next step to upscale towards mass production.

Effective electric energy storage is essential to the energy transition. Cars, buses, trucks, and ships are increasingly being electrified. . However, current battery technology has its limitations. A next generation of batteries is needed with greater energy density, with more power and that can be charged faster and safely.

A battery cell is a complex electrochemical system with many possible materials and components. Any change in composition and construction affects the final performance of the battery. In the Netherlands, many companies are working on new battery technology but it starts with a material or component of the battery cell. They often do not have the facilities to integrate and apply the developments of those materials and components.

André Schilt, Programme Manager Next Generation Battery Technology at TNO: "The Netherlands has the knowledge, expertise and technologies to make next-generation batteries possible. This new laboratory will help startups, entrepreneurs and established companies accelerate their ideas and innovations."

Unique test facility

The facilities of the new Battery Lab offer the chance to actually make and test battery cells. New materials can then be integrated and optimised in different cell designs.

Besides various advanced measuring equipment and workstations with chemically inert atmospheres (gloveboxes), the lab also has instruments for applying protective nano layers (important for longevity), increasing energy density (3D structures) and greater safety (Solid State Electrolyte).

TNO has worked hard over the past three years, with financial support from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Province of North Brabant, to realize the lab.


Sustainability Climate News Circular economy Energy transition Key enabling technologies