
Innovation brokers 
help SMEs innovate


Matthijs van der Kooij

Matthijs van der Kooij is currently working as a business developer in the innovation team at the aerospace division of Airbus Netherlands, where he develops ideas into new products.

With a background in technical computer science, he has extensive experience in developing different types of software, including embedded/real-time, simulation, image processing and artificial intelligence.

Due to his analytical, structured and cooperative approach, his strength is to bring ideas or innovations with software components further. This includes setting up and developing innovation projects (challenges, design sprints, proof of concepts), market research, business models and (online) marketing campaigns.


  • Company Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands B.V.
  • Phone 06 11 37 31 09
  • E-mail m.vd.kooij@airbusDS.nl
  • Markets/Technologies
    Aeronautics, ICT, Security, Smart Industry, Space, Systems Engineering

Submit request

Are you an SME and would you like to make use of the MIT Innovation Brokers scheme, please submit an application using this form.

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