Climate PPS financing News Calls

The top sectors Agri & Food, Horticulture & Starting Materials and Water & Maritime have opened their joint call for PPP (Public-Private Partnership) projects for advances in data science for crop breeding. The available budget is approximately €12.8 million per year. Submissions can be made until 2 September 2024.

The call focuses on developing advanced data infrastructures, models, algorithms and AI technologies to optimize breeding processes and phenotyping. The ultimate goal is to develop new, adaptable crops that are more resistant to changing environmental conditions and diseases

De oproep is bedoeld voor onderzoeksprojecten waarin bedrijven, brancheorganisaties, NGO’s en publieke organisaties met onderzoeksorganisaties samenwerken. De projecten worden uitgevoerd als publiek-private samenwerking (PPS). De drie topsectoren werken in deze oproep met elkaar samen om zo tot een invulling te komen van de gezamenlijke kennis- en innovatieagenda Landbouw, Water, Voedsel. Tevens wordt opgeroepen tot cross-over samenwerking met Topsectoren Life Sciences & Health, Logistiek en ICT.

The call is intended for research projects in which industry, branche associations, NGOs and public organisations collaborate with research institutes. The projects are carried out as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). The three top sectors work together in this call in order to achieve a fulfillment of the joint Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Agriculture, Water, Food. There is also a call for cross-over collaboration with top sectors Life Sciences & Health, Logistics and ICT.

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Climate PPS financing News Calls