News Human Capital Diversity in tech SME innovation

During Girls' Day, science, technology, IT companies and technical or IT departments of companies throughout the Netherlands open their doors to girls aged 10 to 15. The girls can participate in interesting activities, meet female employees and learn more about science/technical work. Girls' Day lets girls experience the undiscovered world of science, technology and IT up close.

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‘Fix the system, not the girls’

Girls' Day can be an important key experience for girls to choose a technical or IT profession. It is still not self-evident that girls choose these professions. To make that choice obvious, VHTO is using Girls' Day 2024 with a social media campaign 'fix the system, not the girls'. In doing so, they draw attention to the low share of women in technical and IT professions.

More information about this campaign

Why Girls’ Day?

Technology and technology are more important than ever for society. A job in this sector offers a good salary, job security and the labor market is eager for new talent. Moreover, it is important for society that new techniques and technology are invented, designed and made by a diverse group of makers. The share of women in science, technology and IT is only 16%. Research shows that girls rule out a study or profession in science, technology and IT at an early age. This is due to gender stereotypical influences, a limited image of technical education and professions, little self-confidence in science subjects and the lack of role models. Girls' Day is organized for all these reasons.

What does Girls' Day mean?

The most important part of Girls' Day are companies with a technical or IT-related department that open their doors to girls throughout the Netherlands. In this way, girls are introduced to all the possibilities that science, technology and IT offer. During Girls' Day 2023, more than 9,000 girls and 250 companies participated.

During the company visit, the girls follow a program of two to four hours. They receive a short introduction to the company, a tour or demonstration, are introduced to (female) professionals and get to work hands-on with a fun hands-on activity.

News Human Capital Diversity in tech SME innovation