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Six application-oriented research projects can start with funding through the Open Technology Programme from the NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences. NWO is contributing over 4.5 million euros to these application-oriented technical-scientific projects. Industry and other organisations add over 900 thousand euros.

The awarded projects within the Open Technology Programme will conduct research including:

  • The development of new atomically thin 2D materials that offer single-proton emitters. Light sources that can emit exactly one photon on demand are essential to quantum technologies such as chips. However, these emitters are difficult to make and integrate in optical quantum chips. Developing emitters made out of new 2D material makes this process more efficient (project: Photonic-integrated 2D solid-state quantum emitters).
  • Tthe detection of hidden plastic waste in the ocean through a sound-based detection method. With this new method, plastic waste residing beneath the water surface can be better detected, which contributes to finding possible solutions for plastic pollution (project: RUMBA).
  • The development of a novel wireless stretchable textile coil array, used with MRI-scans, that can remain close to the body. Use of this coil arrange makes MRI scans easier, more comfortable and faster, which reduces the cost of these scans. This enables MRI scans to be used for early stage diagnoses, something that is currently often not economically viable (project: SWEATER).

Click the button below to read the project summaries of the six awarded projects.

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Open Technology Programme

The NWO Open Technology programme provides funding for application-oriented technical-scientific research that is free and unrestricted and is not hindered by disciplinary boundaries. The programme offers companies and other organisations an accessible way to participate in scientific research that is intended to lead to societal and/or scientific impact.


News SME innovation Key enabling technologies Calls Agenda Key Enabling Technologies Agenda Security