Metallic mirrors are foreseen to play a crucial role for all optical diagnostics in ITER because they will be the prime plasma facing components as light transmitters. This requires development of reliable production techniques for mirror substrates and development of optical coatings which can ensure the desired optical properties in the harsh fusion reactor environments.

Across the globe, different researches have been carried out in the past decade but the problem remains far from unsolved. The Platinum coated SS-Substrates being used as a baseline architecture in this proposal, offers a suitable alternative over Rh-Coated and Single Crystalline mirrors as the later suffer from high costs and corrosion by water ingress respectively. Platinum coated SS offers comparable optical performance at a fraction of the price but remains one of the least studied concepts.

Hence, the project aims to start with a fundamental research on concept design, manufacturing and coating processs and experimentation, to finally serve as input to a prototype development. The prototype shall be later tested at SPARC experimental fusion reactor of Commonwealth Fusion Systems.